Compare And Contrast Hal And Hotspur

  1. Compare And Contrast Hal And Hotspur Vs
  2. Compare And Contrast Prince Hal And Hotspur
  3. Compare And Contrast Hal And Hotspur
  4. Compare And Contrast Hal And Hotspur Pictures

Hotspur is rather out of the times, rash, quick to judge, and narrow minded. Hal, on the other hand, is well-rounded, well-traveled, and thoughtful. He has the ear of the common man and considers the common man friend rather than subject. The characters Hotspur, Falstaff, King Henry IV, and Prince Hal present their own understandings of honor which mirror their personalities and consciousness. In comparing and contrasting each of their translations, the character’s true being is better understood. First, honor in the eyes of the infamous Hotspur. At first thought, Hotspur seems to be the easy winner, for all Hal does is spend his time with his friends gallivanting around, stealing and drinking. Hotspur, on the other hand, has returned from a battle in which he defeated the Scots led by Glendower. He has taken many. Prince Hal ’s trajectory through the play transforms him from a fun-loving teenager into a mature prince and is described in terms of honor: he goes from a position of dishonor at play’s start (where King Henry laments his recklessness and wishes he could embody the honor of young Hotspur) to a position of high honor at play’s end (where.

By Marc Connor Ph.D., Washington and Lee University

Character contrast is a vital tool for Shakespeare to convey his messages, especially in Henry IV. King Henry IV, Sir Falstaff, Hotspur, and Prince Harry are all involved in shaping the character contrast in Henry IV. One of them, however, is the link that connects the contrasting ends of the spectrum. Read on to recognize this core character.

Shakespeare uses numerous literary tools to convey the message of his plays. Henry IV is no exception, and character contrast in Henry IV is a vital tool. Without finding the contrasts, it is unlikely to perceive what Shakespeare really wanted to say. The core of the story is the contrast between King Henry IV and Sir John Falstaff. The boundary-crossing figure here is a young Henry V, who connects the two worlds at the ends of the contrast.

Learn more about Shakespeare’s Theater and Stagecraft.

The Core Character Contrast in Henry IV

One of the leading messages Shakespeare aims to convey inHenry IV is that to reach manhood, one must willingly leave childhood and funbehind. He has portrayed childhood and its irresponsible fun-seeking in Sir John Falstaff, who does not look like a knight enough.Some even doubt how he became a knight in the first place.

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The other side of the charactercontrast spectrum is King Henry IV himself: A strong man who can rule, play therole in political games, and take. Hal needs to decide which side of thecontrast he goes with.


Shakespeare uses charactercontrast in Henry IV consciously and skillfully. Toshow this contrast, Falstaff does not appear in the court scenes, the same waythat Henry IV does not appear in the tavern scenes. He does not evenbring Henry IV and Falstaff on stage at the same time. When Hal becomes KingHenry V, Falstaff no longer appears in the play, and even his death is reportedby somebody else. Thus, juxtaposition on stage is also a fundamental tool toshow contrast.

The Character of King Henry IV

King Henry IV symbolizes order, rule, and law in the play. He had to fight to gain kingship, as the true king was Richard II, his cousin. Thus, there is a contrast to this character. He became the embodiment of law through being an outlaw in the first place. Shakespeare questions kingship through this story.

Henry IV is embarrassed with Hal’sbehavior, and even compares him to Richard II, saying he is unworthy of thecrown. At one act, he advises his son on kingship qualities and reveals to himthat the best skill to possess is ‘acting.’ Throughout the play, Hal provesthat he is a talented actor, especially when facing Falstaff a few times.

Learn more about Richard II-History and Kingship.

The Character of Falstaff

As mentioned, Falstaff is a knightwho does not act and look like one. He believes he is a true friend to Hal, buthe misleads the prince. This witty fat man spends much time in the taverns, andHal goes with him. He embodies fun, and that is the reason he dies in the playwhen Hal finally chooses to be a responsible king. There is no place for fun inKing Henry V’s life.

The Character of Hal

Compare And Contrast Hal And Hotspur Vs

Hal is the boundary-crossingfigure, connecting the world of Falstaff with the world of Henry IV. He spendsmuch time in taverns with Falstaff, he helps rob travelers at night, and hedoes not seem to understand his profound responsibility. Nevertheless, an essentialpoint in Shakespeare’s works is the distinction between appearance and reality.

In different parts of the play,Hal shows his real personality, which is an impressive, courageous, inspiring,and smart man who understands politics and knows very well how to play roles.Still, he has to choose between Falstaff and his father, the king, the twosides of the contrast. Whom does he choose in the end? King Henry IV. Thischoice is made after King Henry IV and Falstaff are both dead, showing thedifficulty of making this decision, and sacrificing fun for duty.

Learn more about The Drama of Ideas in Henry V.

The Other Important Character Contrast in Henry IV

Compare And Contrast Hal And Hotspur

At an important scene, Hal stands victorious between twodead bodies. One is Falstaff, whose death shows all the childhood and fun inHal’s life is now gone. But who is the other dead body?

Hotspur, or Percy, was the most admirable,noble, and courageous of the rebels opposing King Henry in this play. Percy isthe son of Northumberland and tries to prove his superiority over Hal. However,he is too courageous and not how a king should really be. He is brought at oneend of a vital contrast with Falstaff: courage. As much as Hotspur is known forcourage, Falstaff is known as a coward. Hal stands between these two, to showthat he needs to make a balance to be a courageous king.

Common Questions about Character Contrast in Henry IV

Q: What is the name of the king in Shakespeare’s play Henry IV Part I?

King Henry IV’s son, who will eventually become King Henry V, is called Harry, but in the play, we usually see him with the name Hal. He is the link between character contrasts in Henry IV.

Compare And Contrast Prince Hal And Hotspur

Q: What is the theme of Henry IV?

In Henry IV, two stories of rebellion and disorder run parallel and form two important character contrasts in Henry IV: the story of Prince Hal’s ‘boyhood’ rebellion against his father and the rebel uprising led by the Percy family, alongside Falstaff’s influence on Hal.

Q: Who is Northumberland in Henry IV?

Northumberland is one of the main rebels against the king, a member of the Percy family, and the father of Hotspur. Hotspur shapes the vital character contrasts in Henry IV.

Q: Why is Falstaff important?

Falstaff embodies the childish fun-seeking of Hal and is in fact one side of character contrast in Henry IV. Hal has to leave him behind to finally become the man who can rule.

Keep Reading
Discovering the Meaning Behind Scenes & Words: Key Tools in Understanding Shakespeare
Deconstructing Genius: Shakespeare’s Techniques
Stagecraft & Participation: Key Tools in Understanding Shakespeare

Character Role Analysis

Hotspur to Prince Hal

From the play's beginning, Hotspur is a foil to Prince Hal. This is especially true in scenes where King Henry compares his son (unfavorably) to the noble young Percy. While Percy is praised for being the 'theme of honour's tongue,' Prince Hal is said to wear the 'stain' of 'dishonour' on his 'brow,' and Shakespeare goes out of his way to establish this sense of rivalry in the play. Literary critic Jean E. Howard notes that the real Hotspur was a lot older than the prince, but Shakespeare makes the two roughly the same age in order to play up the dramatic contrast between the characters. (During the Battle of Shrewsbury in 1403, Prince Hal was sixteen and Hotspur was thirty-nine. As Howard notes, Shakespeare likely borrowed this idea from Samuel Daniel's poem The Civil Wars, c.1595.)

Falstaff to Hotspur

Falstaff's raucous, degenerate, and cowardly behavior pretty clearly acts as a foil to that of Hotspur, whose upright actions (except for that whole rebelling against the king thing) and courage on the battlefield offer the perfect model for chivalry and honor.
Some critics even see Falstaff as being much like a 'Vice' figure playing opposite to Hotspur's 'Virtue.' ('Vice' and 'Virtue' are stock characters in the old school morality plays that Shakespeare was so familiar with.) We like the way literary critic Katherine Sirluck sums things up in her article on Prince Hal (for The Falstaff Project): 'Central to the structuring of the Henry plays is the Pyschomachia (battle of the soul) of the English Morality plays, where personified Virtues and Vices struggle for control of a human being. Hal is the Everyman character, torn between Virtue (Hotspur's Chivalry […]) on the one hand and Vice (Falstaff as Idleness and Riot) on the other. But Shakespeare's use of this model is ironic, for in choosing Virtue (Hotspur) Hal must kill a noble opponent, thus debasing the very Honour he obtains; and in rejecting Vice (Falstaff), Hal commits a greater indecency, perhaps, than the tavern misdeeds he must leave behind' (10).


Prince Hal to Prince Hal

Compare And Contrast Hal And Hotspur

No, that's not a typo. Prince Hal really does act as a foil to his own character in the play by establishing a reputation as a wild child with a penchant for hanging out with criminals and commoners. The plan, according to Hal, is to establish low expectations in the minds of his future subjects and his father. When Hal later defeats Hotspur in battle and saves his father's life, he redeems his reputation, shocks the kingdom, and establishes himself as one fit to be a ruler.

Compare And Contrast Hal And Hotspur Pictures