Hack Wifi Using Mac Address Android

Hey Friends, Welcome to Hackingloops. Today we will learn how to bypass MAC Address Filtering on Wireless Networks. MAC Filtering or MAC Whitelist or Blacklist is an security option provided in most routers to allow or restrict particular MAC Address to allow access or restrict the Internet. If this setting is enabled then only the Machines which are allowed by MAC Filtering can use a particular Access Point. Today we will learn how to bypass MAC Filtering on Wireless Network Routers.

Most of people are aware what MAC Address is but let me brief all to revise basics. MAC Address stands for Media Access Control Address and is a unique identifier assigned to all network interfaces. With MAC filtering you can specify MAC addresses which are allowed or not allowed to connect to the network. For many occasions this might be sufficient as a security measure which makes it a little harder to use the network when the password is even known to users. So let’s start our tutorial on how to bypass MAC Address Filtering by spoofing MAC Address..

This article describes how to use KisMAC to hack a WiFi password and cautions users to increase their password lengths. A Media Access Control address is a 12-character unique identifier assigned to the network adapter of your WiFi device. A MAC address can be used to uniquely identify the smartphone of your friend whom you want to hack the Whatsapp account. If you want to access the WhatsApp account of your friend, you need to find the MAC address of their account. Hack Wifi Using Mac Address Android Jan 05, 2016 The OS The Wi-Fi adapter I used in this video VMware. Aug 09, 2018 MAC spoofing is an effective technique by which users can change factory-assigned Media Access Control (MAC) address of any network interface on a networked device.

Hacking Wireless Networks bypassing MAC Address Filtering

Steps to Bypass MAC Address Filtering on Wireless Routers :

Step 1 : Consider that we have router which has MAC Filtering Configured. Say AA-BB-00-11-22 is an MAC Address which is white listed in MAC Filtering to use the Wireless Network.

Step 2 : Let’s login into our KALI Linux Machine and Put the Particular WIFI Adapter into Monitoring mode using AIRMON-ng, this can be done by typing below command at terminal:

airmon-ng start wlan0

Step 3 : Now it may happen some KALI Linux Process is showing some error. If yes then kill the process which KALI Linux is reporting having issues, it can be done using below command:

kill [pid]

Step 4 : Now launch Airodump-ng to locate the wireless network and the connected client(s) using the following command:

airodump-ng –c [channel] –bssid [target router MAC Address] –i wlan0mon

Airodump-ng now shows us a list of all connected clients at the bottom of the terminal. The second column lists the MAC Addresses of the connected client which we will be spoofing in order to authenticate with the wireless network.

Note: You will get above list only when someone is connected to that Wireless Network already, else you will get a empty list.

Step 5 : Now we have the MAC Address, Let’s use the MacChanger to Spoof the MAC Address :

Let’s spoof the MAC address of your wireless adapter but first we take need to take down the monitoring interface wlan0mon and the wlan0 interface in order to change the MAC address. We can do this by using the following command:

Airmon-ng stop wlan0mon

Step 6 : Now we take down the wireless interface who’s MAC address we want to spoof with the following command:

ifconfig wlan0 down

Step 7 : Now we can use Macchanger to change the MAC address:

Hack Wifi Using Mac Address Android

macchanger -m [New MAC Address] wlan0

And bring it up again:

ifconfig wlan0 up

Now that we have changed the MAC address of our wireless adapter to a white listed MAC address in the router we can try to authenticate with the network and see if we’re able to connect.

That’s it Guys! Now You are able to connect to network. Now in most cases Wireless Networks are also password protected, to hack that you can use earlier methods that i have explained in earlier tutorials.

Keep Learning!! Keep Connected!!

Hey Friends, Welcome to Hackingloops. Today we will learn how to bypass MAC Address Filtering on Wireless Networks. MAC Filtering or MAC Whitelist or Blacklist is an security option provided in most routers to allow or restrict particular MAC Address to allow access or restrict the Internet. If this setting is enabled then only the Machines which are allowed by MAC Filtering can use a particular Access Point. Today we will learn how to bypass MAC Filtering on Wireless Network Routers.

Hack Wifi Using Mac Address Android App

Most of people are aware what MAC Address is but let me brief all to revise basics. MAC Address stands for Media Access Control Address and is a unique identifier assigned to all network interfaces. With MAC filtering you can specify MAC addresses which are allowed or not allowed to connect to the network. For many occasions this might be sufficient as a security measure which makes it a little harder to use the network when the password is even known to users. So let’s start our tutorial on how to bypass MAC Address Filtering by spoofing MAC Address..

Hacking Wireless Networks bypassing MAC Address Filtering

Steps to Bypass MAC Address Filtering on Wireless Routers :

Step 1 : Consider that we have router which has MAC Filtering Configured. Say AA-BB-00-11-22 is an MAC Address which is white listed in MAC Filtering to use the Wireless Network.

Step 2 : Let’s login into our KALI Linux Machine and Put the Particular WIFI Adapter into Monitoring mode using AIRMON-ng, this can be done by typing below command at terminal:

airmon-ng start wlan0

Step 3 : Now it may happen some KALI Linux Process is showing some error. If yes then kill the process which KALI Linux is reporting having issues, it can be done using below command:

kill [pid]

Step 4 : Now launch Airodump-ng to locate the wireless network and the connected client(s) using the following command:

airodump-ng –c [channel] –bssid [target router MAC Address] –i wlan0mon

Hack Wifi Using Mac Address Android Account

Airodump-ng now shows us a list of all connected clients at the bottom of the terminal. The second column lists the MAC Addresses of the connected client which we will be spoofing in order to authenticate with the wireless network.

Note: You will get above list only when someone is connected to that Wireless Network already, else you will get a empty list.

Step 5 : Now we have the MAC Address, Let’s use the MacChanger to Spoof the MAC Address :

Let’s spoof the MAC address of your wireless adapter but first we take need to take down the monitoring interface wlan0mon and the wlan0 interface in order to change the MAC address. We can do this by using the following command:

Airmon-ng stop wlan0mon

Step 6 : Now we take down the wireless interface who’s MAC address we want to spoof with the following command:

Hack Wifi Using Mac Address Android Device

ifconfig wlan0 down

Step 7 : Now we can use Macchanger to change the MAC address:

macchanger -m [New MAC Address] wlan0

And bring it up again:

ifconfig wlan0 up

Now that we have changed the MAC address of our wireless adapter to a white listed MAC address in the router we can try to authenticate with the network and see if we’re able to connect.

That’s it Guys! Now You are able to connect to network. Now in most cases Wireless Networks are also password protected, to hack that you can use earlier methods that i have explained in earlier tutorials.

Keep Learning!! Keep Connected!!